7 problems you face if you are a smoker, that too, a reserved one!!

Smoking is a bad habit and reserved smoking, a terrible one!! For those who would be wondering as to what reserved smoking is, it is in no way related to the stereotypical active and passive categories. Rather, a reserved smoker is one who smokes privately, silently sweeping away from the tag of being a known smoker and falling into the tag of a non- smoker!! He just smokes with his friends or alone at a safe place and does a great aftermath before lighting up!!

Here are some problems he silently bears though!!

  1. You are too conscious for your neat and clean image and can put anything at stake to save it

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2. You kind of feel like abusing when you see a group being formed completely out of smoke. sutte ki yaari!!

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3. You could author a book like “1001 ways of catching a ciggy break” as you have mastered in making excuses for a ten min break when you’re with a group which is actually ‘not your group’!!


4. You prefer sharing your ciggy with a friend, not outta friendship but just to transfer the sin of smoking if you get caught


5.Even if you don’t have cigarettes, you will be having plenty of match sticks as the thought of running out of gas or match sticks is a nightmare to you!!                          Well, borrowing match sticks might expose you of your so long covered up smokes!!i

6. You skip a heartbeat when you realize the friend of the friend of the friend of your crush saw you smoking. bhai pta chal gya to???

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7. You have mastered the art of convincing your female friends when they catch you after smoke. chhod dunga yar or mild kam nuksan karti hai.                                   well, you know the truth!!


8. Your expenditures for the deodrants, mouth-sprays, after-smoke and room freshners are way too heavy on your pocket.


9.That “kabhi-kabhi” excuse you spit out instantly when a guy sees you smoking for the first time

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10.  You are fed up of smoking in the hostel washrooms just to make sure your room doesn’t smells

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11. Even if you smoke at your room, you leave the room asap with windows open wide and fans on, no matter if it is chilling January!!

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12. And yes, we go mad if you say, why do you do that??. That’s none of your business so don’t even dare to ask!! We are what we are and we love smoking solo.

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